What can you do to help the planet?

What can you do to help the planet?

Lately I've been wondering about our home, about our planet; we don't respect it, and is really unfair cause it has given us everything. And I wanted to do some things that would at least make some good.
But at the same time I think: "is really complicated", first because I'm only a person, and secondly I don't want to be like a super freaky, and go to the mountain and don't socialize. (It is one of my goals but not yet).
So that's why I started investigate and think about things that we can start doing that will help the Earth and even ourselves.

Things we can start doing:
  • Ok, so first start with your closet. Before we start about this, I want to tell you that if you won't use some clothes, or those are just there but don't fit anymore, please, throw them away, but I mean, don't literally throw them, what you can do instead is go to the thrift shops and sell it, or you can give it away to people you know will need it, and you'll feel really well cause you help people, the planet and you. Now, I don't know if you'll do this, but you can reuse your clothes, and make a new piece over them, and if you want new clothes, is better to buy from "thrift shops" and that way you contribute to your pocket and earth. I have to admit that this fantastic idea is not mine, is from Maddie's, if you want to see it you should check her YouTube "Maddie Lymburner". Well-known retailers including Madewell, American Eagle, and The North Face provide customers with the opportunity to drop off their worn jeans and sneakers. In addition to earning dollar amount coupons for your charity, you will also get to leave knowing your old boyfriend jeans are being repurposed into things like housing insulation for communities in need.
  • I know that is really hard to have a vegan life, so what you can do instead is try to eat with no meat at least 2 times a week, it'll help your health and the earth, and I'm not only thinking about the animals that you won't kill, but "According to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, nearly 15 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are due to the production of meat, dairy, and eggs." -How to go green..
  • Try not to use plastic, I mean it when I say that it doesn't help anyone, it becomes trash, and is bad for everyone. It's really hard to give up on them, simply because we use it everywhere. So what you can start doing first is to use water bottles but one that you'll be able to reuse, and other thing you can do, is to reuse your plastic bags, when you go to shop, is inevitable to come back without a plastic bag, so what you can do instead of throw it away, is reuse it, how? you can use it as a plastic bag for your trash, to separate the trash, and that way you won't have to worry about buying new plastic for the trash.
  • It's imposible to stop using the car, but you can start going out more without it. Maybe once a week go to wherever you want in bike or walk there. Or if is a close place you can go without the car.

 (The images goes to their respectives owners)


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